Everyone is super fun and they are genuinely great people who love Chicago. I feel that the work we do really shows off our city’s energy and the different personalities of the neighborhoods.
How long have you worked for StarEvents?
Since 1999, I think? So basically since I was ten years old.
What’s your passion outside of the workplace?
In no particular order: dogs, food, baking, bicycling and friends. If I’m able to combine 3 or more of these at the same time it’s pure gold.
What’s your favorite event outside of Chicago?
Venus de Miles, which is a fantastic fundraising event in Illinois and Colorado. It’s a 60+ mile, women-only bike ride through Lake and Cook counties that I have done with my sister for the past 7 years.
What is your favorite restaurant in Chicago?
Just one? That’s like asking someone to pick their favorite child. El Patron, Superdawg, Fat Willy’s, and Kuma’s for my meat cheat days. Gather, River Valley Farmer’s Table, Tank Noodle, Sweet Viginia’s Kitchen, Triple Crown, Jennivee’s and anywhere local that serves breakfast.
WHERE’s the coolest place a project has taken you?
Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Disney World.